3 Crucial Things To Know If You Want To Increase Estrogen Naturally

When it comes to increasing estrogen naturally, most of the women get confused. It’s a fact that estrogen is a natural hormone that is present in women and men both, but it’s also another fact that women need more estrogen than men because estrogen hormone is responsible for the growth and development of a woman. It works like a basic fundamental block for female bodies. A right estrogen level gives women a better reproductive system, better physical appearance, better bone health, better hair growth, and a pleasing skin. In this post, we are going to discuss the following three crucial things:

1. The Normal Estrogen Level In Females & Testing Methods
2. Foods That Increase Estrogen Level
3. Crucial Do's and Don'ts To Maintain Estrogen Levels

What are you waiting for? Let’s move below to get the right stuff.

The Normal Estrogen Levels In Females & Testing Methods

We can’t estimate normal estrogen levels for once, so we have to judge healthy estrogen levels in females on the basis of age and menstrual cycle. The average puberty age is ten years, and at this age, the periods start establishing. By age 18 most of the females develop their cycles, and the average estrogen level at 18 or above it can range between 15-350 pg/mL ( picograms per milliliter). So there are four major phases that help us to see fluctuations of estrogen hormone during the periods:

1. Mid Follicular: This is the moment of before ovulation and after a period. In this phase, estrogen levels tend to rise to 27-123 pg/mL.

2. Periovulatory: This phase is nearby the time of ovulation. The estrogen levels tend to rise at the level of 96-436 pg/mL.

3. Mid-Luteal: This is the after ovulation period when estrogen levels decrease to 49-294 pg/m

4. Postmenses: This is the last phase of the menstrual cycle, means after periods, in which the level is around 0-40 pg/mL

At some point, every woman has to go through the phase of menopause. Menopause is a phase in which women’s ovaries stop producing more hormones. The women between the age of 40's and 50's go through menopause. The normal estrogen level of women who have reached the level of menopause is 10 pg/ml. Let’s have a look at this chart below to determine the required amount of estrogen in a female body at various age intervals.

Women Age
Level Of Estrogen

149 picograms


210 picograms


152 picograms

130 picograms

Now you are aware of the normal estrogen levels in women so all you need to do is to test your estrogen levels. Wait? How do you test? It's as simple as drinking a glass of water but you need to give your blood sample, saliva or urine sample to check your hormone levels.

Foods That Increase Estrogen Levels

The compound called phytoestrogen is found in most of the foods. The Phytoestrogen have similar functions like natural estrogen. So the consumption of phytoestrogen-rich foods ultimately helps in increasing estrogen level. Here are the top 5 foods that can raise estrogen levels:

➢ Flax Seeds: Flax seeds are one of the most abundant sources of getting phytoestrogen. It’s not only an excellent source of phytoestrogen, but it also considered as the rich source of dietary fibers and omega-3 fatty acids which eventually help in lowering the cholesterol level.

➢ Soy: It is known as another excellent source of phytoestrogen because it contains phytoestrogen named as isoflavones which show its impact on the estrogen metabolism in the body.

➢ Sesame Seeds: Hey! Do you know what lignan is? It’s a large group of polyphenols that are actually found in plants. Polyphenols can keep the estrogen hormone balanced in a woman’s body. It also contains dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals.

➢ Pistachios: Pistachios can raise the estrogen levels in a woman’s body to a significant degree. It has been said that it contains the highest phytoestrogen among all type of nuts.

➢ Strawberries: Strawberries are one of the best sources of fruits to gain estrogen levels. A berry is not only rich in phytoestrogen, but it is also beneficial for hair and skin.

Crucial Do's and Don'ts 

Increasing estrogen levels in the female body isn't limited to testing and consuming rich phytoestrogen foods, we still need to worry about some activities that we do in our daily life.

➢ Quit Smoking: I don't know how much you are passionate about smoking, or you don't smoke at all, but it's a correct statement that smoking can show an adverse impact on the endocrine system of your body which later result in less production of estrogen hormones because of the weak endocrine system.

➢ Exercise! But In Limit: Neither more nor less, you need to do it moderately.

➢ Reduce Sugar: Sugar may create a disbalance in the overall body. So go for a whole-grain diet.

➢ Coffee: Yes, you can drink coffee because it helps in increasing estrogen levels. However, caffeine may increase estrogen levels, but it won't improve fertility. So, if you are trying raises estrogen to ovulate, you are going in the wrong direction.

If you know any other way to increase estrogen naturally, tell us in the comment below!
Thanks for reading... 


  1. Can i buy estrogen pills at a store

    1. I don't know whether it's available in your area or not. But one thing I know for sure, it's mostly available at stores.

  2. Can u name some of estrogen ? N it is availible in pharmaicies or not ????

  3. Doesn't higher estrogen levels in the body make you more susceptible to blood clots and cancer?

  4. This is a good article on estrogen, really like the idea of increasing estrogen levels naturally.

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