Heartbreak: Here's What You Can Do To Alleviate The Pain?
Heartbreak ... Most people experience this at least once in their lives. When a relationship is broken, you may feel that your world is collapsing. Even when you are dealing with an impossible or unrequited love, you can suffer from heartbreak. It hurts. Really hurt! Heartbreak is nowadays seen as a condition with associated symptoms, as we see in the case of a disease. However, today we are going to discuss:

- The Causes of Heartbreak
- What Are The Possible Symptoms
- The Denial Phase
- Anger
- The Phase of Despair
- The Phase of Acceptance
- How Long Does A Heartbreak Last?
- How Can You Alleviate The Pain
- What If This Post Isn't Able To Help You Out?
The Causes of Heartbreak

It is not always the case that a broken relationship is the cause of heartbreak, although of course, this is often the case. When your partner decides to leave you, this leaves a sense of emptiness and grief. Even if you yourself have decided to put a point behind your relationship because this will ultimately be better for you. We know that you can be very sad about this. When you and your partner still love each other but have grown apart. For example, the person you love isn’t with you anymore for some reasons. Reasons can be anything.
What Are The Possible Symptoms

How heartbreak differs from person to person. You can be angry because your relationship has ended. You can be afraid because you have to do everything alone for the first time. The appetite can disappear and sleep can become a problem. You can also experience physical symptoms such as a headache and fatigue. There are four phases from which you have to go through while processing such a loss, namely:
1. The Denial Phase

Your relationship is over or you know that you will never get into a relationship with the person you love. Even though you know better, you hope that it is a mistake, that your ex is calling or texting, that he or she is telling you that it was a mistake to terminate the relationship. You secretly hope that your unattainable love will still be reached. You deny that it is over or that it will never become something.
2. The Phase of Despair

The penny has fallen in this phase. You now realize that it is definitely over. The relationship between you and your lover has no chances. You feel intensely sad and you have a lot of pain. It is over and there is nothing you can do about it.
3. Anger

When the worst sorrow is over, you will feel angry. Angry at your ex or angry at the situation. Maybe your ex wasn't such a nice partner now and you have also stopped thinking about it. By feeling anger you feel more in control than when you get stuck in your grief. Maybe your anger is not entirely justified, but it helps you to take a step back and finally say goodbye to what has happened.
4. The Phase of Acceptance

Time makes you suffer heartbreak. You have broken the bond with the past and you are more yourself again. You will be able to give your feelings a place and you can continue with your life. This does not mean that you will no longer be sad about what happened, but it does not stop you from picking up your life and doing things.
How long does a heartbreak last?

There is no clear answer to this question. This differs from person to person but has mainly to do with the way you deal with your grief. Heartbreak is something that happens to you, but by continuously working with the other person, you also maintain it yourself. If you listen to your song or if you look at photos that you were so lucky, you will not help yourself. It will only take longer before you can accept that it is over.
How Can You Alleviate The Pain

First of all, accept that you will feel sad and unhappy for a while. This is part of it and there is nothing wrong with that. You need this to process your loss. Put a barrier between you and your partner, at least until you can handle your grief, so no phone calls, text messages, WhatsApp and so on. You can also avoid shared contacts that find it necessary to tell you what your done or said. Don't start doing things that you don't usually do. Sitting on the couch won't get you anywhere. So make sure that you get up on time, eat at usual times and do what you have to do.
What If This Post Isn't Able To Help You Out?

Ultimately, Keep doing things, although you may not feel like doing it at all. Do things that your ex did not like, but you do like it. Talk to people, talk about your grief when you wake up. In short: keep doing things, no matter how small. You can not change the past, but your own future does. Now that if you have read the last paragraph carefully, this post will definitely help you out.
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