What Makes A Man Attractive Towards A Woman

I am a man. Wait? Does that mean I know how to attract a woman? Of course, I do. When I was younger I wasn't good at this but as the time goes on... I keep on learning. For now, let's discuss what makes a man attractive towards a woman:

Photo of Man and Woman Looking Up

  1. Security: I think this is # 1 for many women. A safe man is an attractive man. It is not about being arrogant but about feeling comfortable with who you are and with your virtues and failures.
  2. Self-esteem: Women do not fall in love with the person who texts to them every five minutes and does everything they want. They will feel more attracted to a man who respects himself and values his own time and activities.
  3. Have a purpose: A valuable woman will have a purpose in life and multiple goals to follow. They will look for a similar man. Having a purpose, a dream in life and clinging. And remember! Fighting for such things will make you more attractive and make them feel attracted to your dreams. It is a sign of ambition and everyone (not just women) is attracted to ambitious people.
  4. A sense of humour: A man who makes a woman laugh will be very close to making her fall in love.
  5. Be direct: I do not mean to be a delay machine but I think it is important to establish your intentions relatively soon. Delay a lot in this process can confuse the girl and risk ending up in the friend zone. 
  6. Appearance: It's not about being Brad Pitt but being careful about your appearance will surely improve your chances. Stay healthy. Take care of your hair and beard. Find a style that feels good to you.
  7. Hygiene / Fragrances: I do not need to elaborate on this, I think. Even if your courtships do not work, a girl will remember a good lotion.
  8. Knowing how to solve problems: Even the most independent and feminist woman will be attracted to a man who can take the initiative and resolve conflicts that appear in life and make her feel that she does not have to worry about anything from time to time.
  9. Know how to listen: Oh yes, very important. You know? We all like to talk about ourselves and having someone who can listen to you, even if the other person understands it or not. See that's the same case with women. Be their other person.
  10. Know how to dance: Are you ugly? Do not go to the gym; Take salsa lessons You'll see that it takes away the ugly more than the gym. Seriously, few things make a man as attractive as knowing how to dance well. In addition, few men dance well or enjoy dancing. Take advantage!
Anyway, that's my experience. Certainly, there are deeper or more complex things in a man that can attract a woman, especially when we talk about serious relationships. But this kind of more "superficial" or "in view" things will help you to produce relatively fast attraction.

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