An Ultimate Guide To Kill Pimples For Ever
- What basically pimples are?
- What Causes Pimples?
- 6 Ways To Treat Pimples + BONUS Remedy
Without staring at the screen, let’s get into this
What Basically Pimples Are?
When excess oil is trapped inside the skin pores secreted by the sebaceous glands, it results in the production of bacteria that eventually leads to tender bumps or red bumps with white filled pus on the skin. So these red or tender bumps on the surface are called pimples.
What Causes Pimples?
If you want to deal with a problem, first you have to know what causes a problem. Some people say pimples occur due to age while some say it’s because of genes or because of external factors. Well, there are multiple causes for having pimples. Here are some reasons that help us to know more precisely what causes pimples:
Ø Genetics: Researchers have found that if your elders had pimples, you would be most likely to have them too.
Ø Hormone Imbalance: Some people state that at puberty, our hormone levels fluctuate and this is entirely true. Due to these fluctuations, sebaceous glands start producing more oil.
Ø Excessive Oil Production: As I already told you that sebaceous gland secretes an oily matter which is known as sebum. When excessive sebum is produced in the skin pores, it leads to miserable pimples. The excessive oil is produced because of wrong dietary habits.
Ø Makeup: Yes, makeup can also cause pimples. It has been researched that some powders can clog pores that will finally lead to the worse situation.
Ø Transmitted Bacteria: When the skin is in direct contact with another object, sometimes it leads to transmission of bacteria which is also known as inflammation.
Ø Dandruff: Dandruff can cause irritations and also can make the skin oily which further causes pimples. The pimples caused by dandruff most likely to appear on the forehead.
6 Ways To Treat Pimples + BONUS Remedy
1. Toothpaste
Toothpaste is one of the cheapest methods to cure pimples. It basically dries out the skin that is very crucial for the oily skin. The antimicrobial properties of toothpaste help us to decrease pimples in a short amount of time. Please note that instead of using gel-based toothpaste, use white toothpaste.
Method: Use a cotton bud to apply it on the affected areas. I highly recommend you to use cotton bud because if you use your fingers, it can cause irritations and sometimes our hands are not clean too. Once you apply the toothpaste, wash off your skin after half an hour. You can repeat this process for 3 times in a day but do it twice at least to get outstanding results.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar terminate the pimples inducing microorganisms. Most importantly, it helps to balance the PH level of the skin that is required to fight with the microbes. Moreover, apple cider vinegar can eliminate the excessive oil in the skin but don’t over exercise it because it can dry out the skin beyond a reasonable level.
Method: First cleanse out your face and wash it properly then use a towel to dry it. Now mix apple cider vinegar with the water in the 1:3 ratio. Now dip a cotton bud or ball in the solution and apply it to the affected regions of your skin. Rinse out your face after 10-15 minutes. Repeat the same process for 2 to 3 times in a day.
3. Lemon Juice
When it comes to treating pimples, lemon is a godsend remedy for curing pimples. Lemon has anti-acne properties. The impressive thing about lemon is its cheap so that everyone can use it. The citric acid present in the lemon juice act as an antiseptic material that kills the bacteria. Moreover, it doesn’t only cure the pimples; it also fades away the marks caused by popping pimples. Please note that it’s not suitable for dry skin types because, after the treatment, the skin becomes drier. Also, Dark skin types aren’t recommended for this treatment because dark spots may appear in the applied region.
Method 1: Use Plain Lemon Juice
After cleaning out the skin with water, cut the lemon in half and squeeze all the juice in a bowl. Use a cotton bud or ball to dip into the liquid. Apply it to the affected regions of the skin. Now wash the face with the slightly cold water after 10 minutes and repeat the same process twice in a day.
Method 2: Use Lemon Juice + Rose Water
Rose water acts as a basic component when we mix it with the lemon juice. It usually reduces the acidic nature of the lemon juice. First, clean your face and dry it out with a towel, now mix the rose water and lemon juice in 1:1 ratio. You can apply this on your face and wash it after 15 minutes. Do this twice in a day.
Please Note:
· Keep away lemon juice from your eyes.
· Keep yourself away from sun exposure while using lemon juice on the skin.
· To prevent reactions, you should test it on the small part of your skin first.
4. Aspirin
Aspirin is another cheapest remedy that can cure pimples and show you better results. Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid that is very similar to Salicylic acid which is a perfect factor for the treatment of the pimples.
Method: To use aspirin as a treatment, you need to make a paste out of it using two tablespoons and 4 pills of aspirin. Once it is applied, wash it after 15 minutes. You can do this twice in a day.
5. Steam
Steam is one of the very robust methods to deal with pimples. It opens up the clogged pores of the skin and detoxifies the skin. It removes all the things like dirt, oil, and bacteria from the skin.
Method: First, take a large container or vessel and fill it with the hot water. Have a towel with yourself so that you can cover your head while steaming. Practice this for some minutes and then wash your skin with the slightly warm water. After drying up, you can use oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.
6. Garlic
Garlic is the traditional medicine for various kind of treatments. Researchers have claimed that it has anti-fungal, antiviral and antiseptic properties. Garlic is also a powerful antioxidant. There are two ways to cure pimples with garlic.
Method 1: Consumption
As I told, you can make a delicious recipe, or you can eat it raw. If you are that kind of person who wants to take full advantage, then I recommend you to chop garlic into small pieces and eat it with a spoon. You should eat two or three cloves of garlic at a time. If you feel miserable while eating cloves of garlic, you can drink chocolate milk or Bourn Vita milk along with it. You should eat this in the morning.
Method 2: Applying
Crush a garlic clove and make a paste out of it. Now mix it with a half cup of warm water. Apply the mixture on the affected regions with the help of a cotton bud or ball. Finally, wash your skin with a mild face wash.
7. Triphala [BONUS REMEDY]
I have personally tested this and had a good result so I thought I should share this remedy with you. There are many Triphala powders are available in the market, but if you make your own, it will be very effective and cheap. The Triphala is made up of three main components Harad(Terminalia chebula), Amla(Indian gooseberry) and Baheda(Terminalia bellirica). Triphala is an ayurvedic remedy that not only clear acne but also can detox your full body.
How To Make Triphala
It’s not that hard to make Triphala powder at home, but you need all these three components to make it: Indian Gooseberry, Terminalia Bellirica, and Terminalia Chebula). Grind all the three ingredients accordingly
· Indian Gooseberry
· Terminalia Chebula
· Terminalia Bellirica
In the ration 1:2:3 that’s it. For example, if you are making 600g of Triphala, you need to add 100g of Indian Gooseberry, 200g of Terminalia Chebula, and 300g of Terminalia Bellirica.
Triphala Treatment
Either apply it directly to your affected areas, or drink it. Let me clarify both the treatment in detail
Treatment By Consumption: You can drink Triphala at night with warm milk. Mix a spoon of Triphala powder thoroughly in the one cup of milk to see results.
Treatment By Applying: Make a paste with the honey and apply it directly on your face. After some days, you will notice that your skin is entirely hydrated with no dark or red spots.
Thanks For Reading...
Sam Khan
Sam Khan
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