7 Things That Can Fix Your Back Pain

Are you keep saying that I have a back pain problem for years? Well, there may be some issues, and we need to correct that problem right now. There are multiple things that can cause back pain, let’s discuss what are they.
How To Treat Back Pain
credit: pixabay

#1 – Sleep

sleeping position

Back pain also disturbed your sleep and often lay on the bed in an inappropriate position. You may be in a loop because you are having low quality sleep due to which you feel more back pain. To keep your spine in a neutral position, why don’t you lie down on your side with a pillow between your knees? Yes, this way you can relieve the pressure on your back. If you are a person who pleasures to sleep on their back, you can slide a pillow under your knees. Along with all this mess, you also need a comfortable mattress that suits you.

#2 – Attitude

Bad posture image

Have your parents ever scolded you to stand upright and not have to sit down like that? If so, then they were right. A too much elastic attitude is terrible for you. Moreover, if you have been sitting for a long time in front of your computer. So, sit up straight, keep your shoulders relaxed and support your body by the back of the chair.

#3 – Painkillers and Muscles Relaxants

pain killers
credit: wikipedia

If you are suffering a lot from back pain, maybe, you want to consume painkillers. Am I right? Aren’t you going to take 500 Mg of paracetamol? These are anti-inflammatory painkillers, and it’s a fact that these are not suitable for everyone. I recommend you to first ask the doctor for the advice before consuming any amount of paracetamol.

#4 – Strengthen Your Muscles

Strengthen back pain muscle by excercise

Physiotherapists can change your daily body movements that would be better for your back. They can also teach you exercises that can strengthen your back muscles. Studies have shown that improving strength, flexibility and endurance can reduce the back pain for a long term.

#5 – Keep Moving

walking man

Back then, doctors often advised to have some bed rest with back pain, but now they have discovered that lying is one of the worst things you can do to treat your back pain. It can elevate the back pain so do not rest more for more than two days. If someone is suffering from back pain, it’s essential for that person to keep moving but without applying force to anything. Exercise is also an effective way to fix the back pain quickly. Especially sports such as swimming, and hiking are perfect to do.

#6 – Heat and Ice

ice and heat

If you have a back injury or inflammation, putting on some ice on the painful areas can be helpful. You can try this a few times a day for up to twenty minutes. Never forget to place a cloth between your skin and the ice to prevent the ice from freezing your skin. After some days, you can switch to heat. The heat can relax your muscles, and it also promotes blood circulation. Never sleep with a heat plaster because it can cause burns. Also, A hot bath or a heat plaster can show significant results.

#7 – Massage

Woman Having a Massage
credit: pexels

It is already accepted that massage is an excellent solution for muscle tension and muscle pain. Researchers have shown that a daily massage from approximately ten minutes can help to prevent inflammation in muscles. That’s why professionals consider massage as the great way to recover from injury

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Sam Khan

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